Monday, April 13, 2020

Family tree Essays - Biology, Genetics, Classical Genetics

Family tree Bio 101 Family tree 1-- Produce a family tree for at least three generations of your family, a friend's family, or a famous family (e.g. the Bushes, the Clintons, the Barrymores, etc.) following these genetic traits: Eye color Hair color Dominant hand Height Widow's peak Hitchhiker's thumb A family genetic disorder 4066540142875 Ok so what traits does the Grandpa have? bb, Hh, cc, ww, tt, XY and short just do this for each person If not sure can just say blue eyes, hitchhiker etc4000020000 Ok so what traits does the Grandpa have? bb, Hh, cc, ww, tt, XY and short just do this for each person If not sure can just say blue eyes, hitchhiker etc Ans:- The above pedigree analysis is done for a family showing mendelian inheritance of traits such as Eye color, hair color, Dominant hand, Widow's Peak, Hitchhiker's thumb, And genetic disorder Hemophilia. Full circle- for normal female and Full Square for- normal male The annotations are given below- Eye color- Represented by B and b. Brown eye(B) is dominant over the blue eye.(b). Dominance- Bb, BB. Recessive- bb Hair color- dark (H) is dominant over the light (h). Dominance- HH, Hh. Recessive- hh Dominant hand- Left hand (C) dominant over right hand(c). Dominance- CC, Cc. Recessive - cc Widow's peak- Widow's peak present (W) dominant over the widow's peak absent(w). Dominance- WW, Ww. Recessive - ww Hitchhiker's Thumb- Bending of thumb by 45 degree backward present(T ) recessive over the absence of Hitchhiker's thumb(H ). 2-- Summarize the inheritance of sex-linked traits through meiosis and how it relates to genetics. Ans: - Sex linkage or sex link inheritance is the transmission of characters and determining of the genes along with the sex determining gens which are born on the sex chromosome and are therefore inherited together from one generation to the next. During meiosis there occurs the separation of X and Y chromosomes and as assortment of chromosome occurs independently and randomly it causes the reshuffling and traits controlled by them. So in a sex linked traits the genes responsible for that gene is found on the sex gene so they are expressed in a particular sex. Such as haemophilia which is a X linked disease, since the gene for haemophila is present in X chromosome which is a sex chromosome and it has no counterpart in males so any gene which will be present in X chromosome in male will behave as dominant but not in females where there are two XX chromosomes. 3-- Summarize your findings of the family tree. Ans: - The above traits are Mendelian inherited type so the traits can be seen in those where they are present in dominant forms and not seen where they are present in recessive forms. It follows' the Mendelian inheritance law's such as law of independent assortment and law of dominance. The above pedigree analysis shows how various traits are inherited by this method from 1 st generation to 3 rd generation. Since it is not possible to do single pedigree analysis for each trait it is not possible to describe in detail. The reason of not representing height in pedigree analysis is it is not a Mendelian trait and it inheritance pattern is polygenic where cumulative effects of many genes are involved so it has not been shown in the diagram . I still like you to identify even if just tall or short or medium Coming on to the genetic disorder, the genetic disorder that has been taken into consideration is haemophilia. The pattern of inheritance of the haemophilia is depicted below- X Y X XX- Normal girl XY- Normal boy X h XX h- Carrier girl X h Y- Haemophilic boy. Since in the 2 nd generation of the family the third male offspring who is normal for haemophila trait marry a Carrier female for the haemophila so there is a chance of 50% for the male children's to be hemophilic and there is a chance of 50% of girls to be carrier. In overall 50% of offspring will be normal and 25% of male child will be affected and 25% of the female will be carrier. This is a sex linked genetic disorder. From the family tree