Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay about International Trade - 9016 Words

Chapter 2 1ï ¼Å½Home has 1200 units of labor available. It can produce two goods, apples and bananas. The unit labor requirement in apple production is 3, while in banana production it is 2. aï ¼Å½Graph out the production possibilities frontier: bï ¼Å½What is the opportunity cost of apples in terms of bananas? [pic] cï ¼Å½In the absence of trade, what would the price of apples in terms of bananas be? In the absence of trade, since labor is the only factor of production and supply decisions are determined by the attempts of individuals to maximize their earnings in a competitive economy, only when [pic]will both goods be produced. So [pic] 2ï ¼Å½Home is as described in problem 1. There is now also another country, Foreign,†¦show more content†¦Actually, trade with a less productive, low wage country can raise the welfare and standard of living of countries with high productivity, such as United States. So this pauper labor argument is wrong. 7ï ¼Å½Japanese labor productivity is roughly the same as that of the United States in the manufacturing sector (higher in some industries, lower in others), while the United States, is still considerably more productive in the service sector. But most services are non-traded. Some analysts have argued that this poses a problem for the United States, because our comparative advantage lies in things we cannot sell on world markets. What is wrong with this argument? The competitive advantage of any industry depends on both the relative productivities of the industries and the relative wages across industries. So there are four aspects should be taken into account before we reach conclusion: both the industries and service sectors of Japan and U.S., not just the two service sectors. So this statement does not bade on the reasonable logic. 8ï ¼Å½Anyone who has visited Japan knows it is an incredibly expensive place; although Japanese workers earn about the same as their U.S. counterparts, the purchasing power of their incomes is about one-third less. Extend your discussing from question 7 to explain this observation. (Hint: Think about wages and the implied prices of non-trade goods.) TheShow MoreRelatedThe Trade Of International Trade1538 Words   |  7 PagesInternational trade is the exchange of capital, goods in general, and services across other countries or territory provided if the government impose free trade. (Grosse; Behrman, 1992) Free trade means that the government do not intervene on what its citizen can buy, produce or sell internationally. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Air Pollution Vs The Respiratory System - 1454 Words

Air Pollution vs the Respiratory System An average human consumes about 11,000 liters of air in a day. Not only are we breathing in natural gases such as oxygen and nitrogen, but we are also inhaling other matters that are potentially dangerous to our health. These air pollutants that we breathe in are divided into two separate categories: primary and secondary pollutants. Primary pollutants are emitted in the form in which they were produced. This includes: smoke, inorganic gases such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, and greenhouse gases. Secondary pollutants are primary pollutants interact with another pollutant in the air. This includes ozone, smog, and acid rain. All of these that were listed are the forms of air pollution that humans are continually exposed to every single day. Air pollution not only affects our natural environment and economy, but also our health whether we realize it or not. There is however, a big difference in levels of air pollution aroun d the world. The first world country of United States has a much better air quality than other countries such as the third world country of Pakistan. This paper will be explaining what air pollution is, explain the significant impact of air pollution on our respiratory system, comparing and contrasting between the two countries of the United States and Pakistan, and discuss ways to prevent or alleviate the problem. Because oxygen is a necessary commodity for the survival of the humanShow MoreRelatedThe Borough Of Brentwood, England Be Considered A Sustainable Community?1112 Words   |  5 PagesCommunity? Subject- Geography Topic- Sustainability Introduction Sustainability is currently a global concern. In recent years scientists have publicised theories that the Earth will not be able to cope with the exponential growth of pollution and resource consumption. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Maggie Girl of the Streets Huck Finn Family Life Essay Example For Students

Maggie Girl of the Streets Huck Finn Family Life Essay Life in the 1800s has taken on an almost idealistic quality in the minds of many Americans. The images linked to this era of our history are, on the surface, pleasurable to recall: one room school houses; severe self-reliance; steam-powered railroads and individual freedom. All in all, we seem to recall a well-scrubbed past. Maybe, as we cross into the next century, its time to take another look at the so-called good old days. Two very well written works that help to see the latter side of family life in the late 1800s are Maggie: A Girl Of The Streets and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. By chance, an evident parallel is drawn in comparing Huck Finns relationship with his father to that of the relationship between Maggie and her parents. Huck is the son of the town drunkard, a man who goes away for long stretches and beats his son when hes home. Maggie is quite the same, with the exception of residing in her household with two town drunks. Maggie and her family are in a small, miserable tenement residing in a dark crevis of New York City with the life of those around them passing them by. Similarly, Huck and Pap live in a bantam shanty on a sordid island in the Mississippi River, America surging past them as well. Maggie Johnson grows up amid abuse and poverty in the Bowery . Her mother, Mary, is a vicious alcoholic; her brother, Jimmie, is mean-spirited and brutish; her youngest brother Tommie dies at a very young age. Her alcoholic father is nameless, largely absent and casually cruel when present. He deems it necessary to beat the sense into people. These constant beatings in Maggie Johnsons home, furniture thrown from parent to parent, and every aspect of her family life as being negative, her family situation is not an extremly healthy one. But, despite her hardships, Maggie grows up to become a beautiful young lady whose romantic hopes for a more desirable life remain untarnished. From the beginning of Huck Finn, the reader can recognize that Huck is not living the same life as any other child in his surroundings. Hucks disregard for manners, lack of parental influence, and rebellious attitude leads one to assume that his family life is not quite as healthy as it could be. His adoptive family, consisting of himself and Widow Douglass, appears to him far too civilized. His father is far too drunk, greedy, and neglectful of his own son to provide a healthy family life for him. Perhaps, in relation to his family life with his father, the lifestyle Huck leads with Widow Douglass is too healthy for his taste rather than too civilized. Without taking note of how many people make up Maggie or Hucks, their poorly functioning homes are almost exact when considering their chaotic and unpredictable nature. With a mother like Mary and a father like hers, it can hardly be surprising, the novel implies, Maggie grow up as they do. Nonetheless, Maggie and Huck are seldom aware of what mood the drunk/abusive parent might be in. Any situation that interferes with healthy family functioning can lead to a dysfunctional family. For example, the absence of positive reciprocal relationships between Maggie and her mother and Huck Finn and his father are very detrimental to their futures in growing up. The children of a dysfunctional family can take on many different roles. Both Maggie and Huck Finn take on the role of the responsible child or caretaker. Upon taking on this role, they both attempt to maintain peace in their family by assuming responsibility for the needs of others. .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05 , .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05 .postImageUrl , .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05 , .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05:hover , .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05:visited , .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05:active { border:0!important; } .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05:active , .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05 .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u40012f0c1360cdbd840193d948969c05:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Responsibility and Guilt in An Inspector Calls EssayIn the beginning of the novella, Maggie is introduced with her youngest brother Tommie who she is taking care of. Even more extensive role playing is on the part of Huck who assumes the resposibility for Jims needs for most of the time that they are together. However, this relationship works differently than that of Maggies. Jim is both Hucks advisor and trustworthy companion but also allows Huck the element of control that he couldnt find in a white man. This fake parenthood relieves Huck of any lifelong responsibilities to Jim and also allows Twain to eventually separate the two without any emotional repercussions. In short, they lack a pure familial bond implicating a tragedy of sadness at the center of their relationship. Everyone has had a conflict with their family at some time or another, but for some it is more of a lifetime struggle involving much confusion and emotional pain. Often adult children of dysfunctional families will feel controlled by others and at the same time will not take responsibility for others thoughts, feelings and actions. This is much like Maggies dependance on Pete to control her life and Hucks attempt to break free through the entire work from being controlled. To break free, one must take back control over ones life and give back control of others lives. By the conclusion of The Adventure Of Hucklebery Finn, he has had some good glimpses of civilization on his journey up and down the river, and most of what he has seen has not been very pretty. But, he has broken free and has control over his future. As for Maggie, one may say that her committing suicide was due to a lack of control in her life, whereas taking her own life was the only way she saw fit to control her ongoing situation. . She may indeed go teh hell, but largely because her mother damned her there from birth.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Modern Technology free essay sample

We live in a technologically advanced world, where more and more electronic gadgets are going wireless. We have mobile phones, wireless computers and even mobile television! However, is technological development more of a blessing or a curse to mankind? It is obvious to know how much technology has helped us in our daily lives. Last time, people had to walk miles just to go to school or work. However, thanks to the advancement of technology, people now can either take bus or drive a car to reach their destination. Thanks to the advancement of technology, it is now very convenient to move from places to places. If you look around, technology is almost everywhere! Now, we can send email to our friends rather than the old fashioned letters which take so long to reach the receivers. Personally, technology helps out a lot in my life. Now, I can easily message to my parents after school to reassure them that I am alright or search for information needed for my school project with just a click on the button. We will write a custom essay sample on Modern Technology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, despite the many benefits, there are many problems caused by technology as well. For example, in the past, u seldom sees people wearing spectacles whereas now, almost every teenager is wearing spectacles. The reason is because many teenagers now use the computers for so long to the extent that they spoil their own eyes. Also, humans nowadays have relied on technology too much. Teenagers complain when they could not use a computer for a day. Parents complain when the computer crash and that they did not save the file which they were working on. Humans have depended on technology so much that no one would survive if there is no technology in the world. In conclusion, I personally felt that technology is more of a blessing than a curse. It gives us choices which we do not have before and improved the human living conditions. Technology may causes us harm but that should not deter us from improving it. We had become the kings of all animals. Modern Technology free essay sample It goes without saying that technology has advanced tremendously over the years. It makes it quicker and easier for people to acquire information and makes communicating more efficient. Have a friend thats on a trip to New Zealand? iMessage or contact them on social media. Cant watch the morning news, everything that was spoken about was made into a YouTube video or is a major trending topic on Twitter. Technology has grown immensely. It has allowed us to connect with people with ease and has made tasks so much easier. From desktops to iPhones, the world we live in allows us to communicate with anybody with internet access with just a couple of clicks of a mouse. From listening to our favorite music, to going to the mall, technology has made everyday life more convenient. It cant be denied that technology has helped us as a society, however, there are arguments that claim technology has only hurt us, rather than helped us. We will write a custom essay sample on Modern Technology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In Does Texting Affect Writing, Michaela Cullington explores concerns about texting and whether it affects students writing. Cullington acknowledges the concerns that come with texting as often as students do. She explains that some teachers claim students use text lingo in their academic writing and are failing to separate writing a paper and texting your best friend. Cullington informs us, Teachers report findings 2 for to, gr8 for great, dat for that, and wut for what, among other examples of textspeak, in their students writing (362). She also speaks on how teachers believe texting correlated to sloppy handwriting and lack of proper grammar and punctuation usage. Students seem to simplify their writing so much to the point where they have no voice or emotion. It is also believed that since they text so much it has crippled their ability to communicate face to face with others. However, Cullington seems to disagree. With her own research, she comes to find that texting has a very minimal effect on student writing. She believes the benefits of texting include that it encourages writing, it helps develop communication skills so where they are comfortable and have well developed thoughts. It can also motivate students to write more and help them practice. Texts are usually short, so it helps students summarize and be concise. She speaks from experience and how she texts quite frequently. She finds that she barely abbreviated or uses text lingo because its far more time consuming to do instead of spelling words out. Since she never abbreviates in texts, she never used them in writing. Even if students use abbreviations in texts, she is confident students are aware of when its appropriate to use and when its not.In my Moms day, they used pagers and brick phones. There was no email, no iMessage, Myspace or infamous Twitter or Snapchat. If you wanted to talk to your friend, you paged them telling them to call you. There were payphones and house phones that you had to wind up to dial your friend or family members number. There was no caller ID and no contact list: you either had to remember someones number, have it written down somewhere, or check the phonebook. Many good things have come from the evolution of technology. If youre having an emergency, theres a setting on smart phones where if you press your home or lock button 5 times, your phone will automatically call and alert 911 and your emergency contacts. If you meet someone that lives in a different country than you, you can keep in touch with them with social media and video chat.Social Media has taken over technology. Theres Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat, Tinder, Bumble, etc. The introduction of social media has changed the world in many ways. It affects everyone in different ways. Today it can be used as a very helpful tool in changing a persons life, but at the same time cause conflict which can negatively impact a person. While there are some negatives associated with social media, the positives in communication all around, has made the world better and more aware.In Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted, Malcolm Gladwell talks of social media, the evolution of it and how it has affected us all as a society. Social media has helped social activism evolve and has created a more aware society. However, when something tragic happens, we all become aware more often on social media. Years ago, during the Civil Rights movement before Facebook or Twitter, when deaths or tragedy occurred, we were all made aware by mouth or by news form and were driven to make a difference. We get up and take a stand. Over social media, expressing your feelings about an event is much different than getting up and doing something about it. Gladwell speaks of how people on social media tend to believe that a Facebook friend is a real friend and that signing up for a donor registry in Silicon Valley today is activism in the same sense as sitting at a segregated lunch counter in Greensboro in 1960 (408). Social media has created a mindset that if you participate in activism over the internet youre truly taking a stand. It builds motivation to actually go out, take a stand and make a real difference and/or sacrifice. Traditional activism versus online variant. Social media is a tool used to build awareness, but the real activism is getting up and sacrificing something for what you believe in. The Civil Rights movements were extremely dangerous and risky for participants. Most still went because they believed in a cause. Members were beaten, arrested and looked down on for believing something is right. Overall, if or when something truly devastating does happen, Gladwell believes that instead of being on social media, people will go out and do something about it.Social Media is a great way to become more aware of others around us and beyond. However, many people have gotten too comfortable with it and see it as though only using social media will truly make a difference in the world. As advanced as technology is, there is nothing more powerful than taking a stand and going out and fighting for something you believe in, which I believe is what Gladwell was trying to get at. Social Media reaches the screens of billions of people across the world. Its a great start to getting involved and gathering people that are interested in a meaningful cause. It goes without saying that technology has advanced tremendously over the years. It makes it quicker and easier for people to acquire information and makes communicating more efficient. From pagers and payphones to smartphones and texting, it has made a lot of ours lives easier. While it has evolved, it can only do so much for us as a society. When it comes to social activism, signing a petition on Twitter is much different than going to a Womens march and actively participating. With technology and the creation of social media, it has made us more socially aware of what goes on in our world, but it unconsciously limits us from taking a real stand. Overall, technology has made large advances in such a short amount of time. It has helped us all to be better and has helped the world become better.Works CitedCullington, Michaela. Does Texting Affect Writing? They Say/I Say:Young Scholars in Writing, pp. 361-370.Gladwell, Malcolm. Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted.They Say/I Say: The New Yorker, 2010, pp. 399-414 Modern technology free essay sample Modern technology is the improved product of the application of science. It may be same with the technologies before but it was design to make works more easier. Modern technology is a recent or current technology, such as computers, DS, Gameboys, Plasma Screen TV’s, Digital Cameras, etc. However, modern technology is NOT ancient or old technology, like what you would see in Ancient Egypt. Modern technology is the use of machines to make life better. for example the improvement of communication. it can be done via mail, phone fax and many others. Improving transport by air, train, using cars. The greatest of all is the use of computer. MODERN TECHNOLOGY ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Modern technology is simply an advancement of old technology, the impact of technology in modern life is unmeasurable, we use technology in different ways and some times the way we implement various technologies ends up harming our lives or the society we leave in. We will write a custom essay sample on Modern technology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What we call modern technology is technically not so new in most cases. For example, mobile phone technology has evolved with years, now days we use smart phones which have been an advancement of an ordinary mobile phone. Technology is applied to the roles each individual fulfills during life. We use technology on a daily basis to accomplish specific tasks or interests. Modern Technology increases human capabilities and this technology has evolved with years. What used to work before, might not be working now, it must have got old or got replaced by modern technology. Let’s look at a simple example in Transportation technology, this technology has evolved with years, we used to use steam powered trains now those have been replaced by electronic trains which move faster than steam trains. Modern technology simplifies life in so many ways and every one defines technology in there own way. To some people it means complicated electronic devices. To others, it means the source of the radical changes that are happening in all phases of life. Others define technology as science applied to practical purposes. Some people fear to use technology while others see it as the source of longer and more complete lives. 10 ADVANTAGES OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY: Easy Access to information: It has become very easy to get access to relevant information at any time anywhere. This has been possible because of modern technologies like broadband internet. Lots of data is being published and indexed online, sites like Wikipedia and Youtube have great original content which can be used in research or entertainment. Information is power, and those who find information and use it well always succeed. With smart gadgets like the ipad , iphone , galaxy tablet , users can easily have access to information through these smart gadgets because they use internet. So a user on a train can easily read breaking news while traveling, they can also buy and sell stocks while in the bedroom using the internet. These smart gadgets make it easy to access internet and this simplifies the way we get information. Encourages innovation and creativity – Since technology is challenging, it sparks the brain to work to its full potential. In the past, it used to be very difficult to start a business, one had to have lots of capital and they even had limited access to business information. Today, it is very easy to start a business while at home. Let’s look at companies like Etsy. com which enable creative people sell their works online, this encourages creativity. Another good example iskickstarter. com which helps creative people get funds for their projects through crowd funding. On this platform, creative developers post projects seeking for funding from the community, this helps them generate lots of cash for their good ideas which latter leads to creation of new Jobs. The other creative works which have been facilitated by modern technology include Google , Apple , Facebook , Microsoft , Amazon , etc Improved communication: Communication is like water to life. We can not develop without communication. Modern technology has blessed us with advanced communication technology tools. These can include e-fax machines, electronic mail, mobile phones, videoconferencing, instant text messaging applications, social networking applications. All these modern communication technology tools have simplified the way humans and businesses communicate. I can easily talk to my relative oversees using a mobile phone or video chatting services like Skype. Convenience of Traveling: Modern transportation technology makes it very easy to travel long distances. Transport is a very important both in our lives and in the business world. Transportation technology has evolved with years. In the past it used to be slow and expensive to move long distances. Now days, I can cover a 10 miles distance with in a few minutes or hours using electric trains or airplanes. Improved housing and lifestyle: This is another great way how modern technology has simplified our lives. If you compare the type of housing we used to have in 1900 and the architecture of houses today, the difference is very big. New architectural technology has improved the types of housed we build now days. People with money can afford town floating housed and glass homes. Most of the items in our house are now automated, for example, doors use finger prints which guarantee security. Remote webcams which you can use to monitor what goes on at your home. Improved Entertainment: Modern technology has played a big role in changing the entertainment industry. Home entertainment has improved with the invention of video games and advance music and visual systems like smart televisions which can connect live to internet so that a user can share what they’re watching with friends. Easy access and storage of music, services like iTunes allow users to purchase and download music on their ipods at a small cost, this is a win – win situation for both musicians and the users. Because musicians can easily sell their music via iTunes and the user can also have a wide selection of which music to buy without having troubles of going to a physical music store. Efficiency and Productivity: Modern technology has helped businesses increase production. Humans are slow and some times they fail to deliver on time. So many businesses have integrated modern technology in their production line, most of the hard work has become so simple and the results are better than those of humans. Let’s look at a farmer who uses modern technology right from the day of preparing the farm land to the day of harvesting. They save a lot of time and money during this process. Convenience in Education: Learning is a process and it is part of our daily lives. Modern technology has made it simple for students to learn from any where through online education and mobile education. Also students now use modern technology in classrooms to learn better. For example, students use ipads to share visual lessons and examples with peers in the classroom. This has made learning more convenient and fan. Also new modern educational technologies support individual learning which gives a chance to students to learn on their own with no need of tutors. Social Networking: Modern technology has made it simple to discover our old friends and also discover new people to network with. This is a benefit to both individuals and businesses. Many businesses have embraced the social networking technology to interact with their customers. Users of social networks can share information with friends, live chat with them and interact in all sorts of ways. Changed the health industry: Now days most hospitals have implemented modern technology in surgical rooms, this has reduced on mistakes made by doctors. Humans can easily make mistakes because of work overload and stress factors. Also the business community has developed health applications which can enable us monitor our health and weight. These applications can be used on mobile phones, so users can have them at any time of the day. 6 DISADVANTAGES OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY: Increased loneliness – Social Isolation is on the increase, people are spending more time playing video games, learning how to use new modern technologies, using social networks and they neglect their real life. Technology has replaced our old way of interacting. If a user can easily interact with 100 friends online, they will feel no need to going out to make real friends which at a later stage leads toloneliness. Job Loss: Modern technology has replaced many humans; robots are doing of the jobs which used to be done by humans. Many packing firms have employed robots on production lines to increase on production and efficiency, this is good news for businesses because it helps them make more money and serve customers in time, but it is bad news to employees because they get replaced by a robot. Competency Increased dependency on modern tools like calculators has reduced on our creativity. You can find a student when they can solve a very simple mathematical equation without using a calculator. This affects the way this student uses their brains and reduces on the level of creativity. World destruction weapons: Modern technology has been the main aid in the increasing and endless wars. It aids the manufacturing of modern war weapons which will require testing. So when these weapons get into the hands of criminals, they will use them for their selfish reasons. 4 EXAMPLES OF MODERN TECHNOLOGIES WHICH CAN SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE: Ultra-thin Quad-band Watch Mobile Phone: This is a modern watch which comes with basic functions of a mobile phone, it will simplify the way you communicate, you no-longer have to worry about losing or misplacing your cell phone, now this new technology puts all basic features of a cell phone in a watch, it has a high-definition display, MP3 ring tones, audio tone, it supports multimedia messaging, and so much more. This advancement in communication technology makes me wounder if cell phones will be replaced by watch phones. For those who hate carrying cell phones all the time, this is a great option, you can easily set this watch phone in vibration and connect it to your blue tooth, i guarantee you will not miss any business or important call. Apple Magic Mouse Simple and elegant wireless mouse from Apple, you can improve your workplace experience by using this Apple Magic Mouse, it comes in a smooth shell design supported by both touch-sensitive and bluetooth technologies which makes it different from the usual mouse you have. Though you will need a little bit of adjustment if it is your first time to use this Apple Magic Mouse, it is too smooth and very responsive, for those who enjoy playing video games, this Apple Magic Mouse will improve your computer gaming experience. It is so lovely, for those who love Apple products, you can Learn more about this Apple Magic Mouse from here Kingston Digital DataTraveler You can easily transfer and move with your data using this Kingston Digital DataTraveler. Many times we back up our data on cloud servers, but these servers are not 100% safe, so me prefer backing a copy of my data on a flash drive, this Kingston Digital DataTraveler has 16GB of storage space, so you can store as much data as you want, it’s size is slim, it can fit in your wallet. This Kingston Digital DataTraveler supports Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, XP and Mac. The cap on the top is fixed on the drive, so you will not lose it. You can easily drag-and-drop files, photos, videos, music and so much more on this Kingston Digital DataTraveler. Simplify the way you move with your data with this slim datatraveler, Learn more about this Kingston Digital DataTraveler from here Apple iPad 2 Tablets have simplified the way we perform various computer based tasks, both students and business people are using these tablets to accomplish different tasks. The functions of this Apple iPad 2 are limitless, for example, you can use it as a video conferencing tool, use it as a presentation tool in a business meeting or classroom, use it to edit business documents or write classroom notes. when it comes to storage, this Apple iPad 2 comes with 64GB of data storage space, quite enough space for all your files, music , photos, software and so much more. From today, you don’t need to travel with a laptop, try out this Apple iPad 2 and simplify the way you do most computer tasks. Learn more about this Apple iPad 2 from here SATA Hard Drive Docking Station: Work smart and secure your data by using this SATA Hard Drive Docking Station, it will hold your SATA Hard Drive firmly so you will not worry about damaging your hard-disk and it also comes with a USB port which makes it easy to access or back back data on your SATA Hard Drive directly from your laptop. The transmission speed is up-to 5Gbps. In conclusion: Now that we have seen some of the impacts of technology in modern life, it is our responsibility to use technology to improve our lives but we also have to make sure that we preserve our society and environment, if we don’t control the usage of technology, we shall end up harming both the society and environment. Then for those seeking for jobs, i advice you to acquire different technological skills, make sure that you can create or invent something new using these new technological skills, being employed is just a step most of us have taken, but it does not guarantee financial security, you can use technology to create a small business. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Modern_technology video chatting services like Skype. Convenience of Traveling: Modern transportation technology makes it very easy to travel long distances. Transport is a very important both in our lives and in the business world. Transportation technology has evolved with years. In the past it used to be slow and expensive to move long distances. Now days, I can cover a 10 miles distance with in a few minutes or hours using electric trains or airplanes. Improved housing and lifestyle: This is another great way how modern technology has simplified our lives. If you compare the type of housing we used to have in 1900 and the architecture of houses today, the difference is very big. New architectural technology has improved the types of housed we build now days. People with money can afford town floating housed and glass homes. Most of the items in our house are now automated, for example, doors use finger prints which guarantee security. Remote webcams which you can use to monitor what goes on at your home. Improved Entertainment: Modern technology has played a big role in changing the entertainment industry. Home entertainment has improved with the invention of video games and advance music and visual systems like smart televisions which can connect live to internet so that a user can share what they’re watching with friends. Easy access and storage of music, services like iTunes allow users to purchase and download music on their ipods at a small cost, this is a win – win situation for both musicians and the users. Because musicians can easily sell their music via iTunes and the user can also have a wide selection of which music to buy without having troubles of going to a physical music store. Efficiency and Productivity: Modern technology has helped businesses increase production. Humans are slow and some times they fail to deliver on time. So many businesses have integrated modern technology in their production line, most of the hard work has become so simple and the results are better than those of humans. Let’s look at a farmer who uses modern technology right from the day of preparing the farm land to the day of harvesting. They save a lot of time and money during this process. Convenience in Education: Learning is a process and it is part of our daily lives. Modern technology has made it simple for students to learn from any where through online education and mobile education. Also students now use modern technology in classrooms to learn better. For example, students use ipads to share visual lessons and examples with peers in the classroom. This has made learning more convenient and fan. Also new modern educational technologies support individual learning which gives a chance to students to learn on their own with no need of tutors. Social Networking: Modern technology has made it simple to discover our old friends and also discover new people to network with. This is a benefit to both individuals and businesses. Many businesses have embraced the social networking technology to interact with their customers. Users of social networks can share information with friends, live chat with them and interact in all sorts of ways. Changed the health industry: Now days most hospitals have implemented modern technology in surgical rooms, this has reduced on mistakes made by doctors. Humans can easily make mistakes because of work overload and stress factors. Also the business community has developed health applications which can enable us monitor our health and weight. These applications can be used on mobile phones, so users can have them at any time of the day. 6 DISADVANTAGES OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY: Increased loneliness – Social Isolation is on the increase, people are spending more time playing video games, learning how to use new modern technologies, using social networks and they neglect their real life. Technology has replaced our old way of interacting. If a user can easily interact with 100 friends online, they will feel no need to going out to make real friends which at a later stage leads toloneliness. Job Loss: Modern technology has replaced many humans; robots are doing of the jobs which used to be done by humans. Many packing firms have employed robots on production lines to increase on production and efficiency, this is good news for businesses because it helps them make more money and serve customers in time, but it is bad news to employees because they get replaced by a robot. Competency Increased dependency on modern tools like calculators has reduced on our creativity. You can find a student when they can solve a very simple mathematical equation without using a calculator. This affects the way this student uses their brains and reduces on the level of creativity. World destruction weapons: Modern technology has been the main aid in the increasing and endless wars. It aids the manufacturing of modern war weapons which will require testing. So when these weapons get into the hands of criminals, they will use them for their selfish reasons. modern technology is the