Monday, April 1, 2019
Is Depression Genetic? An Experiment
Is unhopeful Genetic? An ExperimentResearch seeQuantitated search is information amass and the production of info via statistics and tropes. The data is tranquil through questionnaires, surveys or by manipulating pre-existingstatistical data. For example, calculating the human activity of mountain who consent to with opinion, this look into can provide a flesh of manifestations but cannotprovide an invoice to why plurality ar dispirit (Sk sicklys you occupy, 2018). Primary seek (field explore) is inspected first hand by individuals via surveys,interviews and observations. Vari competents of much(prenominal) look should be con aspectredwhen addressing the dissolvents in particular age groups, sex and number ofparticipants at bottom a survey. Secondary seek (desk research) involvescollection on existing research using primary research sources as a source ofdata to analyse. (Research Optimus, 2018)In order to complete the projectbrief a lowly research technique has been applied opposed to primaryresearch receivable to the absence of ethics committee indoors the college. The research testament ack instantlyledge looking at journal articles, statistics, legitimate websites andnewspaper articles with further reading. This impart then all(prenominal)ow analysis andevaluation of material in get d let to answer the searchs question with anunprejudiced perspective.23/02/2018 05/03/2018Decidedtopic begun research and finalised leaven question with supervisor.06/03/2018 23/03/2018Continuedresearch and analysed data.24/03/2018 17/05/2018Assembledinformation into essay format final meeting with supervisor. Review work, conclude and evaluate.18/04/2018Submit the assignmentTable 1 Project timeline and chance onactivitiesThe research will focus on six key argonasWhat is belief?Whos more(prenominal) likely to suffer from feeling?What is the constituenttic explanation for printing?What is the biochemical explanationfor depressive over go ?What are the psychologicalexplanations of slack?What are the sociological explanationof clinical depression?Information contained within thisessay will not be opened to debate as statistics collected are the result of a creative activitywide research macrocosm soaring in lustiness and reliability. Moral judgement,assumptions and personal opinions is not suitable or necessary for the purposeof this essay. This essay will includeconflicting perspectives with the conception to enable the reader to form theirown conclusion. Throughout this essay trys will be made to assess thevalidity and reliability of the information ready(prenominal) such(prenominal) as governmentstatistics highlighted in reputable studies. Health and synthetic rubber protocol will befollowed during the process of researching and assembling the essay such asregular breaks to reduce eye strain and upper tree branch problems. Information willbe referenced accurately ensuring plagiarism is avoided, whilst observant allethical and legal obligations at all times.Introduction embossment is one of the most common and respectable illness with devastating consequences in its most dole outr form, it is estimated that more than 300 million people suffer with depression worldwide (WHO, 2017) drop-off is the most common moral turnovers within the UK and reports projects that its hit a record high, increasing by tumefy-nigh a third in the last four old age. The total estimated number of people accompaniment with depression worldwide increase by 18.4% among 2005 and 2015 to 32 million according to the valet Health makeup (Families for depression Awareness, 2017). This has prompted urgent calls for the government to ensure better wellness provisions are put in place, with the need to look deeper into this phenomenon to enable an understanding of the inconvenience enabling them to overcome it. Research has shown that depression does run in families, which could potentially mean that depression is genetic ( geted condition) NHS (2013). til now, families dont just constituent genes they overly experience sympathetic environments. Depression is a common and serious kind overthrow that disallowly personal effects how we feel, how we act and how wethink (American psychiatric knowledge, 2018). Depression is classified as amood disorder that has an seismic disturbance on both physical and psychic health, affectinga vast portion of the UK population with around 3 in 100 adults lowevery year (Mind Org, 2013). An episode of depression serious enough to studytreatments occurs more commonly in 1 in 4 women and 1 in 10 men at some stagein their lives (Kalat, 2001). This could just be due to the fact women are moreopen to express their concerns and feeling then men are or that women are morewilling/ likely to seek treatment. To meet the criteria for having depressionthe sufferer needs to display at least 5 symptoms that are fit(p) out by theDSM-IV (Diagnosti c and statistical Manual of mental health disorders, 2013). WorldHealth Organisation WHO (2001), marks depression as when capacity forenjoyment, interest, trim back concentration and marked tiredness after evenminimum effort is common. The core symptoms of depression would entailpersistent sadness or low moods, bolshie of interest or pleasure in activities,disturbed quietude or tiredness, change in appetite, feeling worthless or inserver cases recurrent thoughts of death, excessive feelings of guilt andhopelessness (NHS, 2016). Its also common for people with depression to set physical symptoms such as headaches, palpitations, chest pains andhallucinations these are called psychotic symptoms. Depression is generally dual-lane asfollows major depressive disorder, dysthymia, Bipolar disorder, Seasonalaffective disorder, premenstrual dysphonic disorder and atypical depressionaffecting anyone at any time ( real well mind, 2018). There are manycontributing factors that seem to increas e the take a chance of developing or triggeringdepression. These include certain personality traits, traumatic or stressfulevents, a history of mental health disorders, history of depression in bloodrelatives, abuse of recreational drugs or alcohol, chronic illness andmedication(Kalat, 2001) However, this does not factor in the environmentalfactors such as scantness with the affects it has on an individuals well- beingness.Genetic assessmentThere are strong biological relatewith those who sufferer with depression, in terms of genes family research- in particular likeness and adoption studies shows a genetic link were Individuals mayinherit pre-dispositions to depression or other mood disorders( kalat, 2001). Wenderet al (1986) conducted family correlational research into depression throughadoption study which observed whether genetics or the environment appeared tobe more associated with depression in adopted adults would suffered depression. psychiatrical evaluations were con ducted and the study produced results showingthat the biological parents of the adopted adults were eight times more likelyto overhear the disorder than the adopted parents. Twin studies are an additiveway of studying if genetic factors are the private road of the pre-dispositioneddisorder. Monozygotic agree (MZ) take 100% of their genes whereas dizygotictwins (DZ) only share 50%, of the rateis the process for assessing the likelihood of one twin having the disorder inwhich the other also has to meet the selfsame(prenominal). A significant note that need to beconsidered, is in previous research it wasnt possible to particularize betweenthe MZ and DZ twins so statistics may also be incorrect. divers(a) studies have produced fluctuating statisticsbut the overall trend pattern was unremarkably the same concluding MZ twins indicatedincreased rates in depression in contrast to DZ twins. From these studies environmentalfactors cannot be ruled out, MZ twins share comparable envir onments than DZ twinsso influences such as friends and education are more likely to be similar onboth. Even in MZ twins being raised apart their environments may not be that diverse.Despite the thousands of studies carried out to locate the gene, studies havefailed to separate locus of any significant gene specific to depression (http//,no date). It is however possible for people with no family history to alsodevelop depression.A British team of scientists has recentlylocated a gene that seems to be predominant in multiple family memberssuffering with depression, chromosome 3p25-26 was situated in more than 800families with recurring depression. This study looked at DNA from over 800families including 971 sib pairs who had European origin and who wereaffected by recurring depression. It also include 118 pairs of siblings withone affected by depression and the other not.Other studies were conducted at the same time as the British researcherswhich matched the link between the same chromosome and depression. (Heath line,2016) However the results could not be applied to those suffering with lessserve depression. This tell also lacks ecological validity as it cannot begeneralised to the whole population and only represents the European. Researchhas also shown that individuals with parents suffering with depression are 3time more likely to have the disorder.Scientists now have confidence in that as manyas 40% of individuals suffering with depression can be linked back togenetics. (Health line, 2016)biomedical AssessmentThe biological aspect of depression looks for indications that relate to diagnostic categories of mental disorders with an outlook that a sick body can be restored to health (McLeod, 2014). This possibleness links depression to imbalances or problems in the brain regarding the neurotransmitters, serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. Evidence of the imbalances is very difficult to monitor and measure in a pe rson brain. The neurotransmitter serotonin involves the regulation of eventful physiological (body orientated) functions such as sleep, aggression, mood and sexual behaviours. Research suggests that the decrease in the production of serotonin by the neurons can cause depression in some people but not all. Catecholamine hypothesis was a popular explanation in the 1960s to why people developed depression, suggesting that a deficiency of norepinephrine in certain areas of the brain was responsible for creating depressed moods. (Mental help net, 2007) post-mortem studies affirm this theory as it shows that individuals who experienced multiple depressive episodes had less norepinephrine neuron than individuals with no history of depression. Conversely, the research outcomes also revealed that not all people who experienced mood change was the reaction to the norepinephrine levels being lower. Modern studies also suggest that decreased levels of serotonin triggers a hurtle in norepine phrine levels leading to depression.(Harvard medical school,2009)With this explanation or overture anti psychotics have long been established as a sensibly cheap, effective and speedy treatment at reducing symptoms for the individual. However, it could be argued that the side effects and addiction ca employ by these types of medication is a weakness of this onward motion. Although this approach created psychological treatments for many mental disorders it has neglected the treatment process. Scientists have been exam the chemical imbalance theory validity for over 40 years (approximately) and regardless of thousands of studies been conducted in that locations still not one show supporting evidence proving the theory accurate (Psychology Today, 2017). Psychological assessmentThe psychological perspective ondepression explores unconscious thinking, possible past traumas and focuses onaiding the individual to realise their potential and emphasis on social supportand psychological interventions. Freud was the first to offer an explanation ondepression. This theory delivers evidence based explanations for how peoplethink, behave and feel the way they do (http//,no date).The psychodynamic approach regards the sourceof mental disorder being the cause of loss or rejection by a parent (McLeod2015). Although, this does not take in to account current experiences/problemsthat the individual may be going through. accompaniment evidence of this was Bifulcoet al (1992) studies set up that children who lose their mother are more likelyto suffer with depression (http//, nodate).The cognitive- behavioural model hasa strong emphasis on reinforcements (positive or negative) as an explanationfor depression. Becks (1976) hypothesised that individuals with negativethoughts towards themselves or those who have low self-esteem are faraway more supersensitised to suffer from depression, suggesting that the negative perceptionthat they held towards themselves was built up through negative experiences.Beck anticipated that experiences in childhood could lead to a cognitive traidresulting in the individual suffering with depression. This traid is built upin three parts in which people hold negative thoughts the self, the world andthe future. In addition those who suffer with depression or are susceptible toit magnify the bad experiences and minimise the good (Eysenck, 2012). Weissman and Beck (1978) as cited in hellgrammiate (2010) supported this theory by using self-schemas to discover out howpeople perceived themselves and the world around them. The results showed thatthose people with negative self-schemas were far more likely to suffer with depression.Although, White (1985) agrees that on that point was enough evidence to suggest thatBecks theory was correct although, he suggests it does not show the square(a) connectionof depression and failed to identify that logical errors migh t be triggered bybiological factors such as chemical imbalance in the brain. Becks theory wasbased upon questionnaires, although there are limitations to this form ofinformation gathering. This questions the reliability of the research as theparticipants of the questionnaire can be effected by social oomph(McLeod, 2015)Ferster (1973) behavioural theorysuggests that its a lack of positive reinforcements is the cause ofdepression. For instance a loss of a loved one may cause depression due to theloss of a positive reinforcement. Lewinsohn (1976) suggested that when others pass on the depressed individual concern this reinforces the depressivebehaviour and symptoms. This can also have the reverse effect when theres alack of attention given by family or friends and thus lack of reinforcements,this can equally exacerbate depressive symptoms. This raises the debate towhether depression causes negative thinking and perceptions or that thenegative perceptions were the cause of depression . Abreu and Santos (2008,p.131)Sociological explanationThe sociological explanation formental health such as depression regards social forces as the most important determinantsof mental disorders, taking a broader view of a psychiatric disorder than anyother model. Regarding an individuals environment and behaviour as beingfundamentally linked. In some perspective its similar to the psychodynamicmodel which also sees individuals moulded by external events. However, whereasthe psychodynamic model views depression as highly personalised anddeterminants are not immediately recognisable. This model views depressionbased on general theories of groups and caused by observable environmentalfactors such as poverty, poor neighbour hoods, low education, ethnicity,divorce and the loss of a loved one WHO (2014). Although short term sadness isa rule response to these triggers and should not be confused for depression.People who live in poverty struggle causing them to be in a constantstressful state, feeling overwhelmed and inadequate of taking control overtheir own lives. Health Ross (2000) as cited in Cockerham, (2008) linked betterquality neighbourhoods with those of a poor disadvantaged neighbourhoods,the findings were higher levels ofdepression occur in the latter(prenominal) with individuals suffering psychologically dueto their environment (although there were also links to their individualism).The daily stressors of living in these deprived areas with low income,unemployment etc. are linked to the symptoms of depression (Haralambos andHolborn, 2008).Individuals living in unfermented and safe environments displayed lower levels ofdepression further supporting that social factors contribute. Individualsliving in poverty become the strongest predictor of depression WHO (2004)Consideration must(prenominal) also be given tothe possibility that individuals living in communities with increased employment opportunities arestill being diagnosed with depression as a resu lt of losing their jobs throughsuffering with depression rather than not having a job and becoming depressed. Thisraises to the question is depression the cause of the environmental factors oris the environmental factors the cause of depression.In conclusion, there doesnt seem real(a) evidence in any one area to state that there is a single source ofdepression. Evidence points towards genetics playing 40% role in cause ofdepression, especially in cases of family studies. However, it is suggestedthat instead of being a direct cause of it makes a person more inclined to gettingdepression than others. The behaviouraland cognitive theories have reputable aspects of validity to such that you canapply findings to real life situations and cases of depression. However it doeshave a weakness with both approaches being that either do not consider or recognisethe biological or genetic effects of depression. The research has establishedthat mental illness is complex and depression is no exclus ion, therefore itcannot have a singular, unpretentious explanation and is a result of acombination of biological, psychological and social factors. Evaluation of theavailable research would suggest that although genetics may have an impact ondepression there is more sound evidence to suggest other factors to a great extentcontribute.Evaluation The introduction of this essayspecified clear figures regarding those suffering with depression within the UKand women being more susceptible as pose to men. However it could have givenmore insight to that particular causes of this issue such as evidence basedstudies to suggest why.The research throughout this essaywas gathered by a wide variety of reliable sources and used the most up-to-dateinformation as possible. As this essay was limit to secondary research thisrestricted access to research on a more personal level such a questionnaireswithin the biotic community on families who suffer or have recurring depressivedisorder. Due to the account book count set on this essay it restricted more light uponinformation on other cause/ explanations for depression. For examplePersonality, Gender, Disabilities etc.The Researched statistics that waspresented in this essay was analysed and evaluated were possible. Links togenetic theories supported the findings of certain studies which in turnstrengthened the statistics enabling the essay question to be answered. However there could have been additionalanalysis of genetic studies not relating to the MZ twins and DZ twin siblings.From the supporting evidence andstatistics gathered within this essay the conclusion was able to answer theessay question giving a figure of 40% of depression is caused through genetics.It also acknowledges the serious mental health disorder and its complexproblems and cause. Yet it was unable to single out one delimitate cause ofdepression. A more enhanced insight and knowledge was obtained by carrying outthis project in the wider field of depressi on and its root causes.ReferencesAbreu, R.B. and Santos, E.C (2008) behavioral Models of DepressionA critique of the emphasis on positivereinforcements.4 (2) pp130-145 transnational Journal of behaviouralconsultation and therapy online Avaliableathttps// (Accessed 25April 2018)American psychiatrical Association (2018) what is depression? 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